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It is my duty to report to you regarding the damage assessment at the Memorial Grounds in Fayetteville, the actions taken to date by the National Board of Officers, the Memorial Building Fund Officers and the Employees of the Special Forces Association and the plan of action going forward to make the Memorial Grounds and Facilities once again the “home away from home” for the entirety of the Special Forces Regimental Community.

Damage Assessment: The National Headquarters Building, the Special Forces Association “Team House” and the Maintenance Building all received varying depths of flooding. The Nation HQ’s Building was flooded to a depth of 3.5+/- feet. The Special Forces Association Team House was flooded to a depth of 3.0+/- feet and the Maintenance Building was flooded to a depth of 2.5+/- feet. Some of the Statuary in the lower memorial park were overturned, the fence along Rockfish Creek and across the east end of the property was knocked down.

The property damage sustained is not covered in our insurance policy since the loss was caused by flood. The SFA will therefore have to pay out of pocket to rebuild from the loss. We are working with our insurance company, and final deposition to follow.

We are working with local and national sponsors for support.

I cannot THANK enough James Parker, Billy Akers and Jamie Carpenter from the MBF, their efforts have been above and beyond.

Actions Taken to-date:

  • The National Headquarters Building, has been cleared and cleaned, water damaged sheet rock has been removed, carpeting has been removed, all furniture has been removed, all files have been moved and the drying operation continues, all computers were lost and the hard drives have been removed and data has been recovered. This building was the hardest hit and will be the highest priority to bring back on line. The expense to accomplish this task has been conservatively estimated by our Insurance Adjuster at $250,000.00. Everything in this building that was below 3.5 feet is basically a total loss.
  • The Special Forces Association “Team House”, has had the non-replaceable mementos removed for safe keeping, our tenant Chapter 1-18 has begun removing their Chapter specific business equipment and documents for safe keeping. The “heart pine” floors have buckled and will all need to be replaced, the roof has been damaged by
    wind and flying debris, the windows and doors have been left open to aid in drying out the interior of the building. The facility repairs may or may not be feasible this determination will be made and reported as more information on costs, permits, engineering, and other factors become known.
  • The Maintenance Building sustained the least damage of all three buildings and, with the exception of some equipment issues, there remains no major reported repairs required.
    Plan Going Forward: We have arrangements with the Green Beret Foundation to use their facilities in Fayetteville to temporarily house our Head Quarter’s Operations. This space will allow us to get the business activities back on-line in the most expeditious manner. Phones will be transferred to that location and our P.O. Box mail will be recovered and responded to until we can move back to the Memorial Grounds. Do Not Mail items to the Street Address on Doc Bennett Road until notified. Reminder Address, P.O.Box 41436, Fayetteville, NC 28309-1436

Working with the MBF and Staff, the NBO will continue to work toward getting the National Headquarters Building re-occupied, at the earliest possible date, and transfer the “flag” back to that location.

Recovery from this disaster is going to be costly and we respectfully request donations from the Membership to help defray the costs involved in setting this issue straight. Donations sent should be marked “Disaster Recovery”. Funds received as marked will be used to bring the Special Forces Association Memorial Grounds and Facilities back to a position which will be representative of all the Members of the Regiment who have gone before and who will in the future earn a place in the Regiment.

I will keep all posted as we move forward, we will continue Operations and rebuild better than ever.

De Oppresso Liber,

Gary Koenitzer
Special Forces Association